CRT Theatre Guild
Become a part of one of Cortland County’s longest-standing volunteer organizations and support one of New York State’s longest running professional theatres!
The CRT Guild was founded in 1973, the year after CRT opened its doors. Since then, this dedicated volunteer group has lent their time and talents, ideas and imaginations in support of this “gem of a theatre”. Guild members are not actors, but rather believers that the live performing arts are a vital part of our community. Our Guild is a principal reason that CRT is known for its quality of performances and its reputation of being one of the most well-respected theatrical organizations in the country.
The Guild supports CRT at two locations.
Summer: The Little York Pavilion, 6799 Little York Lake Rd, Preble
Winter: CRT Downtown, 24-26 Port Watson St, Cortland
Some of the Guild’s “fun”d raising events include:
Refreshment counters and ushering: Guild members are the “Welcome Ambassadors” for our audience when they arrive at our shows.
During the summer, by volunteering at the refreshment counters, Guild members receive FREE preview night tickets for every summer production!
During the winter, Guild members who volunteer at the snack counter or usher can see that show for free! *Training for beer/wine bartending is required for CRT Downtown.
Special Events
March Mystery Dinner Theatre: The Guild’s most popular fund raiser! A catered buffet dinner with a hilarious show performed by the Acme Mystery Co.!
Fall Fiber Arts Festival: Each October, the Guild sells refreshments and supports our guest vendors at this unique and creative festival, held at the Pavilion.
New Year’s Eve Community Dance: Guild members tend the snack counter & beer/wine bar, welcoming the new year at this one-of-a-kind community event!
Guild volunteers also organize and sell refreshments at numerous county events and celebrations at the Pavilion, including the 4th of July Fireworks and the Blue Grass Festival in August.
The CRT Guild has a reputation in the theatre community as “something that every live theatre wants, but so few have”! Besides fund raisers, the Guild offers the theatre support and welcomes each summer’s staff of actors and technicians.
Some of the Guild’s other activities include:
Welcome Picnic: In May, the Guild hosts a potluck dinner of home-cooked goodness for each new group of summer actors and technicians.
Closing Night Dinners: The Guild provides sandwiches, fruit & veggies, and desserts for the summer workers following the final performance and “strike” (the taking down of the set) of each show.
Photos with Santa: CRT Downtown is Santa’s favorite photo spot, thanks to the decorating by the Guild!
Publicity: All year, our members promote CRT’s shows by distributing posters, brochures, and flyers.
Monthly meetings are held at 7:00 pm on the third Tuesday of every month at CRT Downtown.
Call our office at: 607-753-6161
Theatre Guild - as of March 2025
Dianne Galutz, Co-President
Amy Bertini, Co-President
Susan Prier, Vice President/ Reporting Treasurer
Janet Redfield, Secretary
Ingrid Fox, Historian
Kimberly Allen Pat Almeida Lee & Annette Benson Tina Bonyak Chere Bossard Bettie Brown Diana Burchhardt Jackie Burke Margie Caruso Kimberly Casullo Alice Caughey Frank Cerbo Zenny Choy Kathy Cole Vivian Colongeli Sue Connelly Tania Cornish Sue Crane Anne Crupi Arlene Dean Amy Denkenberger Izzy Denkenberger Maria DeRado Susan Dovi Linda Falter Linda Frady Ray & Donna Franco Linda Fuller Anna Gurewich Irene Gutchess Fran Gysel Cindy Hedman Cheryl Hicks Jean Hill-Pawlak Valerie Holcomb
Fran Horner
Martha Howlett Michele Hughes Donna Johnson-Brown Becky Jones Bonnie Kanellis Joann Lamey-Vanwicklen Carole Lathrop Randy Lewis Susan Lewis Fred & Marion Lutz MacKenzie Lyman Tricia Lyman Julie Marion Mary Beth & Maggie Mathey Keith Palm Dave Park Jenelle Pedersen Sally Perkins Al & Laurie Pickerd Jody Prezioso Sandy Ricottilli Donna Riley Nancy Saulsbury Michael & Dotty Sills Bill & Debbie Sinsabaugh Cheryl Smith Nancy Stockholm Sue Turner Maria Whitaker Sue Wimer Darlene Winter Jane Witty Sharon Zeches |