Full Season Benefactors

The 2025 Little York Fall Fiber Arts Festival

CRT’s 13th annual fund raiser festival will be held on Saturday, October 11 from 9:00 – 5:00 and Sunday, October 12 from 10:00 – 3:00.

At the national historic Little York Pavilion in beautiful Dwyer Memorial Park on Little York Lake.

GPS Address:
6799 Little York Lake Road
Preble, NY 13141

$5.00 Admission.  Kids 12 and Under: Free!

Featuring a wide variety of vendors with unique fiber products!  Supplies and gifts!

*Knitting, Spinning, & Felting Supplies * Yarn * Pelts * Raw Fleeces * Blankets * Shawls * Clothing * Roving * Crafts * Christmas Gifts * Jewelry * Handcrafted Wooden Bowls * Soaps and Lotions * Candles * Maple Products * …and so much more!

Soups, chili, hot dogs, snacks and coffee will be available for purchase.  All refreshment proceeds benefit the CRT Guild.

Also, The Syracuse Weaver’s Guild and EGA Central NY Chapter will have demonstrations and membership information.

Click HERE to download our 2025 Festival Application.

For more information or questions, please send an email to: LittleYorkFiberFestival@hotmail.com or call 607-753-6161

Our 2024 vendors were: (click on maroon names to visit this vendor’s website)

Alchemist’s Whim
Ancient Threads Farms
Art and Function
B Bowls
Blessing Bags and Blankets
Bouquet of Baskets
Dan Tracy Designs, LLC
European Sheepskins
Ewe-Wooly Yarn Co.
Fat Yellow Dog Farm
Felt Goods
Fibers ‘n’ Creations
Fleece and Thank Ewe Fiber Worx
GLF Woolens
Glory Felt
Heather’s Fun Creations
Hummingbird Hill Photography & Cards
Knit Buffalo, LLC (Sat. Only)
Larrabee Farms
Lochan Mor Farm
Marion Lutz
Namaste Knolls Fiber Arts
Otter Lake Farm & Fiber
Press Gurwitz Perfumerie
Red Dog Yarn
River Marie Design
Rocky Top Farm Creations
S & S Syrup
Spinners Hill
Trinity Farm
Twisted Wool
West Creek Family Farm
What the Fudge